Following the recent CQC inspection at Four Acre Health Centre, the practice has received an overall rating of ‘inadequate’.
We have already addressed immediate concerns and have now developed an action plan which demonstrates clear milestones to improve our overall rating going forward. St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is working closely with us to ensure the recommended areas of development are addressed. This action plan will be monitored regularly over the next few weeks to ensure it is followed and milestones achieved. The rating for the practice will remain in place until the CQC re-inspect.
While the inspection rating is disappointing and understandably worrying for patients, the CQC did find areas of good practice in the population groups, including the Gold Award we we were awarded last year for care provided to people with learning difficulties through offering appointments and reviews.
The report highlighted that our staff have the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care, support and treatment and we have worked with other local practices to deliver the Covid-19 vaccinations for our patients.