
If you have travelled from China or have been in contact with someone confirmed as having Coronavirus in the last two weeks, you may be at risk of Coronavirus. Please do NOT leave the house. Instead, ring 111 if:

  • You have been in China in the last 14 days and develop cough, fever or shortness of breath; or
  • You have been in Wuhan or Hubei Province in the last 14 days or have been in contact with someone confirmed as having Coronavirus, even if you feel well.

How Do I Make an Appointment?

To make an appointment please visit our consulting room. 

Who should you see?

General Practitioner

The Doctors at Four Acre can deal with all your illness complaints, but there is a triage system in place set out by the Doctors for the receptionists to guide your queries to the most appropriate Doctor or Clinician, the Doctors will prefer to see a range of conditions especially serious and chronic problems i.e Cancers, IHD and Stroke ect.

Nurse Clinicians

Are highly skilled, trained to Master Degree level and are able to diagnose many conditions which, in the past could only be dealt with by Doctors. They can deal with conditions/illnesses such as Eye problems, Emergency contraception (morning after pill), Ears/nose/throat problems, Rashes, Chest/Respiratory problems, Problems relating to possible viral infections, Joint Pains, General minor ailments, Stomach problems, Hypertension (high blood pressure), Urinary problems. In addition to minor ailments the Nurse Clinicians and the Practice Nurse help to monitor patients with life long illnesses such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Asthma, Mental Health, etc. Nurse Clinicians, like doctors, can refer patients to hospital, order xrays and ultrasound, as well as blood test.

Health Care Assistants

Healthcare Assistants are trained to carry out duties such as;

  • Blood Pressure checks,
  • Carry out blood tests such as cholesterol tests and other blood tests when instructed by a Clinician,
  • Carry out New Patient Medical checks,
  • Weight checks ,
  • Vitamin B12 injections (currently under strict supervision),
  • Flu vaccinations (seasonal),
  • Spirometry (breathing test)
  • Assist Doctors and Nurses in clinics such as COPD and Mental Health

Out of Hours

On calling the surgery, outside of the standard opening hours (08:00-18:30) you will be directed to the Out Of Hours service.
If your condition can not wait until the surgery is next open please ring the normal surgery on 01744 819884

Evening and Weekend Appointments

Please see our page on Evening and Weekend Appointments for more information.